
Jun 30 2016

How to Determine the Right Phentermine Dose

Published by under Phentermine

right-phentermine-dosage-for-weight-lossJust like other obese people, you also want to shed those excess fats as soon as possible. But choosing the best pill is not an easy task since there are numerous weight loss medications available in the market today. Recommendations from health experts may also add to your confusion. Some people may recommend revolutionary exercise regimens while others will swear to the effectiveness of fad diets. Another option that you may consider is to take appetite suppressant pills. This is a good option, but choosing the right brand and taking the right dose are critical factors to consider to ensure the success of your weight loss program.

Taking Appetite Suppressant Phentermine

The most popular drug in the appetite suppressant category is Phentermine. This drug has been in the weight loss market for more than 5 decades already. The efficacy of the drug has been proven by countless obese patients here and abroad. But don’t just take this drug and expect to lose weight in an instant. It is classified as schedule IV substance, so you need a prescription before you can take the medication.

As an appetite suppressant, Phentermine effectively controls your hunger and tell your brain that you are already full even if you eat less food. But take note that this medication will not starve you. It will only reduce your cravings for food, thus reducing your calorie intake.

What is the Right Phentermine Dosage?

For overweight and obese individuals who want to try this drug, they should follow the doctor’s prescription and take note of the dosage. Phentermine is a potent weight loss pill, so the treatment must be monitored by a health care professional. With the right guidance, you can avoid the side effects that may be caused by the drug.

Here are some of the important things to follow and consider when on Phentermine medication:

• Take it at the right time. Phentermine is best taken one hour before meals, preferably early morning. This will maximize the appetite suppressing capabilities of the drug. If you are required to take it twice a day, take your next dose hours before bedtime.

• Start with lower dose. Your doctor will surely prescribe the lowest dose in the first few weeks of treatment. This will allow your body to adjust to the weight loss effect of the drug. The dose can be adjusted based on your body’s response. If you are already losing weight with the lowest dose, ask your doctor before increasing the dosage. Drastic weight loss can be dangerous and may cause serious complications.

• Choosing the right dose. As mentioned, your doctor will determine the right dose that your body can take. He or she will also consider other factors such as your current health condition. You are taking the right dose if you are losing at least 1-2 pounds per week. If you are not achieving this result, you may be advised to take a higher dose.

Available Doses of Phentermine

Phentermine is available in either capsule or tablet form. This will depend on the brand or type that you are taking. You may choose branded Phentermine or opt for the generic type, which is a little bit cheaper. As long as you are taking genuine Phentermine, both types are effective in weight loss treatment.

Phentermine is available in 15mg, 30mg, or 37.5mg dosages. Most treatment starts with 15mg per day and increased to higher dose to maximize the weight loss effects of the medication. According to surveys, most obese patients use 37.5mg Phentermine to get their desired weight within 12 weeks.

As mentioned, take Phentermine as prescribed. Don’t increase the dosage without your doctor’s approval. You should always take note of any undesirable results that you may experience while taking the drug. Phentermine is a considered as one of the safest weight loss medication in the market today. However, not all people will have the same response to this drug.

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Jun 27 2016

Can Phentermine Trigger Quick Weight Loss?

Published by under Phentermine

quick-weight-loss-with-phentermineA lot of obese people are curious about the weight loss effects of Phentermine. Can Phentermine really trigger quick weight loss or is it just another marketing hype from pharmaceutical companies? Most users affirm the efficacy of this weight loss drug. They can attest to the positive weight loss results that they have experienced. On the other hand, there are also some who are claiming that the medication’s weight loss effect is minimal. With these opposing claims, obese individuals may think twice about using Phentermine as their primary mode of treatment. If you are one of them, please continue reading this article to find out the real truth about this issue.

Effective Short-term Obesity Treatment

Phentermine is classified as a Schedule IV substance so it is only taken by obese people with valid prescription. The main function of the drug is to suppress the appetite of the user, which results in fewer daily food intake. When taken as prescribed, the user will start to lose weight in the first week of treatment.

This weight loss drug is only prescribed for short-term obesity treatment. The usual length of treatment is 12 weeks or 3 months. After this period, the patient should already attain his or her weight loss goal. The expected positive results in a short period of time is a clear proof that Phentermine can really trigger quick weight loss. You will also have a safer weight loss journey because your body will not suffer from the complications of instant weight loss as promised by other medications in the market today.

Holistic Weight Loss Approach

When opting for Phentermine treatment, you will not only take pills to control your cravings for food. You are also required to adopt a healthy lifestyle. You will enjoy the maximum weight loss benefits of Phentermine if you will choose a healthy diet and engage in physical activities.

Most obese people in the country are suffering from obesity because of poor eating habits and unhealthy foods. By cutting your carbohydrates intake, as well avoiding fatty and sugary foods, you will be able to fast-track your weight loss.

You also need to move and become physically active. Inactive people will gain more weight because of the extra fats stored in their bodies. Engaging in moderate exercises is a good start. If you don’t want to be stuck inside a gym, opt for a more relaxing and enjoyable physical activities. Some good examples are brisk walking and jogging. You can do these exercises in your neighborhood or in a park.

Lastly, you must commit to a healthier lifestyle. Avoid vices and other activities that can contribute to your weight gain. With these changes and the help of Phentermine, you will surely experience faster weight loss.

Is Quick Weight Loss Safe?

People who are after quick weight loss expect to get their desired weight too fast. If you have the same goal, you are doing it the wrong way. Medications that result in too much weight reduction can be dangerous. Some of the complications that you may experience include dehydration, fatigue, heart palpitations, and loss of concentration.

Cannabis being a natural product, might not have serious side effects or react with other medicines and that can prove beneficial to tackle weight loss aftermaths. According to health experts, 1-2 pounds of lost weight per week is considered healthy weight loss. A typical Phentermine treatment program can achieve this rate and may even result in higher percentages. But this drug will not trigger too much weight reduction that your body can’t handle.

With Phentermine, you can have a safe, quick, and successful weight loss.

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Jun 17 2016

Are You Ready for a Stomach-draining Obesity Treatment?

Published by under Obesity

stomach-draining-weight-loss-treatmentIf you are one of those who are already tired of following traditional weight loss methods, you might want to try the newly FDA-approved weight loss treatment. However, do not expect that this new treatment will be easy and a fun weight loss treatment. It actually involves a minor surgical procedure, a method that is shunned by many obese patients. But based on clinical trials, the obesity treatment can reduce the patient’s weight up to 12%. This result may entice you to try this weight loss method.

Food-draining Weight Loss Device

The treatment is dependent on a food-draining device, which is attached to a surgically-placed tube in the stomach. The small tube is implanted inside the stomach, which is connected to a port placed on the skin of the belly. Once attached to the port, the patient can drain the recently-consumed food to the device. The process would take 10 minutes to complete. According to the manufacturer, the device can remove almost 30 percent of food in the stomach before it is absorbed by the body. The process is performed 30 minutes after meals.

The Risks and Side Effects

While the treatment is considered effective in preventing weight gain, the FDA said that it has noted side effects. The obese patient may experience vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, and constipation. The endoscopic surgical placement of the gastric tube is also a risky process, said the agency.

There are also some limitations as to who will be allowed to use or undergo the treatment process. First, it is not recommended for people with eating disorders. It is not intended to be used as a short-term treatment for moderately overweight individuals. Moreover, the procedure and treatment is only recommended for patients who are 22 years old and above with a body mass index (BMI) of 35 to 55. Lastly, this option should be given only to those who have failed to achieve weight loss using non-surgical weight loss treatments.

Obese patients who underwent this treatment should frequently visit their doctor to monitor weight loss, check the device, and provide counselling on the lifestyle therapies. Medical check-up is also needed to get a replacement part for the device. The drain tube must be replaced after 5 to 6 weeks of therapy.

Other Effective Weight Loss Options

Weight loss surgery should be your last option. As mentioned, there are side effects and risks that you have to consider before opting for this new obesity treatment. Talk to your doctor about other options that may still work for you. If you haven’t tried appetite suppressant medications, then it’s time to get into this kind of treatment. One of the drugs under this category is Phentermine. This pill is only given as a short-term treatment for obesity, so you can expect positive results within a few weeks of medication.

Phentermine is a generally safe weight loss drug. When taken with doctor’s supervision, weight loss is achieve in just a short period of time. It is also a cheaper alternative to surgical procedures. In addition, you don’t have to worry about costly medical expenses just to achieve your normal, healthy weight. Our advice to you is always ask your doctor about the available obesity treatment today. Ask about the success rate of each treatment, the cost, and risks associated with the treatment method.

If your Phentermine treatment fails, then opt for this stomach-draining obesity treatment.

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Jun 08 2016

How to Buy Authentic Phentermine?

Published by under Phentermine

buying-authentic-phentermineMost obese people are now concerned about the authenticity of the weight loss pills that they are taking. There are still a lot of unscrupulous people that manufacture fake or imitation weight loss products. Some may contain real ingredients but the production process doesn’t conforms to safety standards. There are also some products that contain banned or regulated weight loss substances, which can be harmful when taken in large quantities. If there are several cases of brand imitation, it could also happen to Phentermine. This drug is one of the country’s most popular medication for weight loss.

Buying Authentic Phentermine

If you are serious with your weight loss regimen, always ensure that you are taking authentic medicines. Whether you buy it online or over-the-counter, you should be extra careful when buying your medication. You can avoid buying fake medicines by arming yourself with enough information about the drug or supplement that you are taking.

In the case of Phentermine, you can always go to reputable pharmacies to get your pills. Getting your pills from a licensed pharmacy is the best thing to do if you really want to buy authentic Phentermine. Just be extra careful when buying online, since there are sellers that may be offering counterfeit ones.

Guide for Phentermine Users

You can get countless information on how to buy the right weight loss pills from various sources. However, some of them are too general in nature and may lack the right information that you need. If you are planning to take Phentermine or currently taking this weight loss drug, we highly recommend that you follow this simple guide when buying Phentermine online or over-the-counter.

• Buy from legitimate pharmacies in your area
• Ask a recommendation from your doctor or health care provider
• When buying online, make sure that the online seller is a reputable and an established company
• Always check the label before taking your Phentermine pills
• Check for other ingredients that may be considered harmful
• Choose popular brands or opt for reliable pharmaceutical companies
• If you choose generic Phentermine, always check the reputation of the manufacturer
• Check if the drug contains the right and recommended dosage
• Authentic Phentermine is available in caplet and capsule forms

Real Cost of Phentermine

You should also know the average cost of Phentermine. You can get this information from your doctor or from online sources. If the drug cost way below than the normal price range, you should think twice. You might be buying a counterfeit medication. It is also possible that you are getting a Phentermine-like supplement. These products do not contain any Phentermine ingredient but their effects are similar to the drug. The supplement may also be effective in reducing your weight but it lacks the necessary clinical trials that will guarantee the safety of the users. It may contain herbs, vitamins, and synthetic medications. Some weight loss companies use Phentermine in their branding strategy to easily penetrate the weight loss market and get more sales.

We hope that the valuable information that we have provided in this blog will help you choose the right type of Phentermine. You can also help your friends, colleagues, and other family members on how to buy authentic Phentermine.

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May 31 2016

How to Manage Your Weight in 4 Easy Steps?

Published by under Weight Loss

manage-weight-loss-phentermineCongratulations! You’ve reached your weight goal! Now for the easier part: keeping it off. According to statistics, 65% of dieters return to their pre-diet weight within 3 years. Now this is not to scare you, but to let you know that gaining the weight back is common.

Would you like to be among the few who can keep the weight off forever? If it seems difficult for you, just think about the cardiovascular diseases, the everyday difficulty, and the humiliations you feel every single day just because you are obese or overweight. You don’t want to go back to that. The good news is, it is possible to keep the weight off in 4 steps.

4 Steps to Effective Weight Management

These are basically the same as lifestyle changes you were probably following to lose weight. So to simplify it, you’ll just continue doing what you’ve been doing only in the easier version.

2. Engage in regular exercise. Weight loss is basically burning more calories than you take in. So in order to remain in your weight, you need to do exercise to burn some calories. You can try brisk walking and jogging. Do any activity that you love doing maybe hiking, dancing, swimming, or biking. The trick is to make you sweat. Also, exercising is not only to burn calories but to also keep your body healthy by working out those muscles.

3. Take appetite suppressant pills. We all experience crazy cravings at least once in a while. You want to make sure that those mood swings will not affect your weight goal. One popular type of appetite suppressant is Phentermine, a drug used to assist weight loss for obese people. You’ve probably heard this one or used it, too. If not, it’s definitely a must-try.

4. Adopt a healthy lifestyle. You are entering a phase that requires your lifetime commitment. This is lifestyle change and not just any fad dieting or workout challenge. Join marathons, biking clubs, or any group that promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Why Choose Phentermine as Your Appetite Suppressant

We’ve mentioned about Phentermine above as an appetite suppressant. This pill is one of the safest pills prescribed by doctors to help obese people lose weight easily. This works by sending neuron signals to your brain that you are already full, so you will not feel hungry at all. Phentermine is also a more affordable option, making it a popular choice among those who want to lose weight or maintain their normal and healthy weight.

Remember that losing weight is not a license to indulge in an eating spree or stay in bed all day. Slacking off is the fastest way to go back to the old, fat, unhealthy you. You’ve done the hardest part of changing your life. All you need to do now is continue what you’re doing and keep that weight off.

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May 25 2016

Phentermine Prescription: Your Key to Successful Weight Loss

Published by under Phentermine

phentermine-prescription-successful-weight-lossLosing weight is a common problem of millions of Americans today. With the kind of diet and lifestyle of most people, reducing their weight to normal levels seems to be impossible to achieve. It is also a fact that most of them have tried to lose weight through dieting programs and supplements. Some of them are successful but others are not. This could be due to the ineffective programs that they chose or their failure to adopt positive changes in their lifestyle. Another problem of obese people is choosing the wrong type of treatment or medication. In most instances, the drug that they are taking are not appropriate for their health condition. There are some weight loss medications that are not recommended for patients with cardiovascular diseases and other serious health conditions.

Even those who are taking Phentermine for weight loss may not get positive results even if the drug is known for its efficacy. One possible reason is that the person has little knowledge about the potency of the drug or he is taking it the wrong way.

The Importance of Phentermine Prescription

The guidance of a health care practitioner is very critical in ensuring the success of your weight loss journey. Although Phentermine is an effective weight loss drug, you still need the advice and recommendation of your doctor. You need to undergo proper examination for reliable diagnosis of your health condition. Obesity is a complex disease and must be treated with caution. So before you buy Phentermine, make sure that you have a valid Phentermine prescription from your doctor.

Please take note that Phentermine is a Schedule IV drug and requires a prescription before you can use it for weight loss treatment. Don’t be confused with the non-prescription type of Phentermine. This type has a different composition and ingredients. Most of these Phentermine alternatives contains herbal, vitamins, and other non-prescription ingredients.

Right Prescription Ensures Successful Weight Loss

There are countless success stories of obese people who took Phentermine as their primary medication for obesity treatment. They all have positive experiences with the drug because of the right diagnosis of their doctor and proper administration of the drug. If you get the right prescription, you will be assured of a successful weight loss.

But how can you determine if you’ve got the right prescription? Here are some of our tips:

• the prescribed treatment period should not be more than 3 months
• the dosage should be based on the capability of your body
• the prescription should start at the lowest dose
• the recommended intake should be every morning before breakfast
• the drug should be taken once or twice a day

In addition, your progress should be closely monitored by your doctor. Any side effect that you may experience must be addressed immediately to avoid complications. Your doctor should also recommend a healthy diet and changes in your lifestyle. This will help you reach your weight loss goal faster and in a safer way.

Prescription Phentermine vs. Over-the-counter Weight Loss Supplements

If you want to avoid taking ineffective weight loss drugs, choose only proven ones like Phentermine. Over-the-counter supplements may not offer the long term benefits that you want. Weight rebounding after completing a weight loss program is a common problem of obese people. You can avoid this situation by seeking the help of experienced doctors. They will make prescriptions that will guarantee your weight loss.

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May 20 2016

Taking Phentermine Right to Ensure Weight Loss

Published by under Phentermine

taking-phentermine-right-for-weight-lossA third of US population is considered obese, and studies show that the rate will continue to increase. But why worry about the number of obesity in the country? Obesity is a serious health condition that needs to be addressed immediately. It increases the risk of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes to name a few. The lives and lifestyles of many obese people are also affected because of this condition. It also affects their emotional and social well-being. With these undesirable effects, obesity should be treated as soon as possible. The usual exercise and dieting is the way to lose weight for some. However, these are not enough if you are already obese. Losing 200 pounds or more is almost impossible if there is no proven medication to take.

Treating obesity is not as simple as exercising and following a fad diet. Weight loss pills are also recommended together with lifestyle changes to make it easier for an obese individual to lose weight. This combo is more effective especially for people at high risk of obesity-related diseases. One of the weight loss pills commonly prescribe by doctors is Phentermine. This is a stimulant with similar characteristics with amphetamine. It suppresses the appetite by directly affecting how the central nervous system works.

How to take Phentermine right

Phentermine is an effective medication for obesity. However, its efficacy depends on how it is administered. It’s best to follow the doctor’s prescription to ensure the success of the treatment.

For those who are already successful in their weight loss endeavor, they have something in common. They took Phentermine the right way – from the dosage to length of treatment. Please note that this drug is available in different forms and different dosages. Here’s a guide on how to take each form:

Capsules. 15 to 30 mg of capsule should be taken once a day, an hour before or 2 hours after breakfast.
Disintegrating tablets. One tablet a day, taken each morning.
Extended-release capsules. Recommended dosage is one capsule a day before breakfast.
Tablets. Those 18.75 mg to 37.5 mg should be taken once a day preferably one to two hours after breakfast.

Phentermine is recommended only for 17 years old and older. Children are prescribed with a different kind of medication to help them lose weight. This drug should not be taken 3 to 4 hours before sleep to avoid insomnia. In case of a missed dose, it’s best to take it as soon as possible. But just wait if it’s almost time for your next dose. Never take double doses to avoid experiencing some negative body reactions.

Avoiding the side effects

Phentermine is an effective anti-obesity drug. But you may also experience some side effects during the treatment. Some of common side effects include:

• Hyperactivity
• Feeling restless
• Headache
• Tremors
• Dizziness
• Insomnia
• Dry mouth
• Unpleasant taste
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Upset stomach

These side effect are temporary. But if you can’t tolerate these effects, ask the help of your doctor. He can adjust the dose or revise your weight loss program. Besides taking the right dosage at the right time, it also helps to drink more water. It will not only hydrate you but also help address one of the side effects of Phentermine, which is dry mouth.

Sustained weight loss with Phentermine

Remember that Phentermine is not a magic pill that makes you slim in an instant. It is a medication used to help you lose weight by making you feel less hungry. You can also adopt a new lifestyle, control your diet, and become active to fast track your weight loss. Exercising at least 3 times a week is a good start. Do whatever you can — jog, walk, dance, or swim. It will tighten loose muscles and also help in burning more calories. You can also sustain your weight loss by sticking to your daily calorie allowance. You can check your basal metabolic rate, or the amount of calories you burn even if you sleep all day. You can easily do this by using calorie calculators or some online apps.

Again, Phentermine is not a magic pill. It will help you lose weight but you should also adopt ways to facilitate the weight loss process. Use it as prescribed and you can expect positive results in no time.

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May 12 2016

Obesity in Children Linked to Gestational Obesity, Study Says

Published by under Obesity

obese-mothers-and-child-obesityThe United States has a large obese population. The country’s obesity problem includes the young population. Statistics shows that 33.4 percent of children age 2 to 19 years old are classified as obese. Despite efforts to curtail obesity in the last two decades, the government achieve little progress. While there are medications that can be prescribed to treat obesity, it is still better to prevent its occurrence. This is one of the reasons why researchers continue to find answers to this childhood obesity epidemic.

A recent study about childhood obesity and its possible cause was published by Kaiser Permanente Centre for Health Research. The study found out that mothers who gained excess weight and have had high blood glucose during pregnancy are 30% more likely to have their babies become obese, regardless if the newborns were born at normal weight.

The Study Samples

Lead researcher, Dr. Teresa Hillier, analyzed the medical records of more than 24,000 mothers and monitored the weight of their children until they reach the age of ten. All are Kaiser Permanente members in Washington, Hawaii, and Oregon. The mothers were regularly screened to check if they have gestational diabetes and their weight were closely monitored during the pregnancy period.

Meanwhile, the study followed a total of 13,037 babies who had normal weight when they were born. Babies born between 1995 and 2003 were the ones included. The weight of the babies were closely monitored by using BMI.

Likelihood of Children Becoming Obese

Pregnant mothers with higher blood sugar levels were found to have children with higher obesity risk. There were also pregnant mothers who actually had gestational diabetes and had the highest levels of blood sugar. Their children were found to be at least 30% more likely to be overweight. This is compared to children whose pregnant mothers have had normal blood sugar levels.

Another factor that the researchers have taken into account is the mother’s pregnancy weight. The Institute of Medicine highly recommends that pregnant women should not gain more than 40 pounds during pregnancy. In the sample, those who reached or surpassed that 40-pound benchmark have children who are at least 15 percent at higher risk of obesity and being overweight. Therefore, keeping the pregnancy weight gain lower than 40 pounds could have possibly prevented childhood obesity.

Hillier concluded that the abnormal sugar level and too much weight gain might have contributed to metabolic imprinting or obesity imprinting on babies.

Warning for Mothers-To-Be

This new study might help health care providers to prevent more cases of obesity in children and help reduce the percentage of obesity in the country. The most important finding is mothers can do something to prevent their children from becoming obese right from the start of their pregnancy journey. The findings should be enough to warn overweight mothers to watch their diet and keep a healthy weight. Their blood sugar and weight should be checked regularly.

Taking a Preventive Approach

If you are also pregnant, do not starve yourself. It’s ideal to eat foods that will benefit your and your baby’s health. If you are trying to get pregnant, consider taking weight loss supplements to reduce your excess weight. There are different types of weight loss products that you can choose from, such as fat burners and appetite suppressant pills. Having a normal body weight will reduce your chances of becoming obese during pregnancy. This will also reduce your baby’s tendency to become obese when grow up.

Always consult your health care provider to ensure that you’re doing things right before, during, and after pregnancy.

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Apr 30 2016

What’s Your Secret Pill for Weight Loss?

Published by under Weight Loss

phentermine-secret-weight-loss-pillYour obese friend may have already achieved her weight loss goal without following a stringent weight loss program. And if you are still wondering why you can’t achieve the same positive result, the answer could be the kind of weight loss pill that she is taking. There are some pills that are very effective in reducing weight but won’t cause serious side effects. And one of them is Phentermine. This pill is an appetite suppressant drug that is primarily prescribed for overweight and obese individuals. If you have a BMI of 25 and above, your health care provider can prescribe this medication for you.

Is Phentermine the Secret Pill of Most Obese People?

The most popular weight loss drug in the market today is Phentermine. It has been around for decades and used by countless people to treat obesity. In fact, it is the most recommended medication by health care professionals in the country.

If obese people are now enjoying a healthy and normal weight, does it mean that Phentermine is their secret pill? Let us find out by understanding the capabilities of the drug:

Short-term obesity treatment. The drug is intended for short-term obesity treatment, usually up to 3 months. During this period, the patient or user is expected to shed 20-40 lbs. of excess weight. Some people even experience higher amount of lost weight during the treatment. Other similar medications can’t achieve this kind of result. If your friend was able to achieve normal weight within this time frame, she’s definitely into a Phentermine medication.

No fad diets. Many people still believe that they can only achieve instant weight loss if they follow fad diets. While others experience positive results, most people still gained back their weight after completing the diet program. But with Phentermine, you won’t have to follow fad diets. By just eating healthy foods and taking the right dosage, you can already experience dramatic weight reduction. The great thing about Phentermine is that you don’t have to starve yourself just to get fit.

Safe and effective. The concern of most obese people is the safety of the pill that they are taking. They choose Phentermine because of the effectiveness of the drug. It is also considered as one the safest anti-obesity medications in the market. When properly administered, users will not experience any adverse reaction from the drug. Though others may experience some mild effects such as dry mouth and sleeplessness. But these effects can be countered with the help of your doctor.

Affordable weight loss medication. Most people choose Phentermine because it is an affordable weight loss medication. You can have a month supply of Phentermine without hurting your pocket. And since the pill is only recommended for short-term use, you don’t have to worry about the overall cost of treatment.

Time to Take the Most Popular Weight Loss Pill

If you’re still taking an ineffective weight loss pill, then it’s time to switch to a more effective one. Phentermine is not popular because of marketing advertisements. It is the choice of many doctors and obese individuals because of its efficacy. Once you include it in your weight loss regimen, you can expect outstanding results that you did not experience from other anti-obesity pills.

If somebody will ask you about how you attained your perfect weight, you can enthusiastically say that Phentermine is your secret pill.

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Apr 27 2016

How to Avoid Phentermine Side Effects in 3 Easy Steps

Published by under Phentermine

how-to-avoid-phentermine-side-effectsMany obese people are still afraid of the possible side effects of Phentermine. Information from medical journals and publications would show that this anti-obesity drug can cause mild to severe side effects. Some of the serious reactions affects the cardiovascular and nervous system. There are also some info that list impotency and cancer as possible results of taking the drug. These may sound scary, isn’t it? But why is it still allowed to be sold in the market?

We have to understand that Phentermine is a prescription drug. Just like with any scheduled drug, pharmaceutical companies are obliged to publish all clinical information about the drug. During clinical trials and studies, there were some noted side effects caused by Phentermine. However, most of them are mild in nature. The only serious side effect that was associated with Phentermine is valvular heart disease, which was caused by the potent combination with another drug, Fenfluramine. This combo drug was already pulled out from the market decades ago.

Actually, Phentermine is one of the safest drug for weight loss. Since it is a prescription drug, you may suffer or experience some undesirable effects. This drug is no different from your other medication or OTC drugs like pain relievers and cough medicines. They also have a long list of possible side effects but we still take them.

Avoid the Side Effects in 3 Easy Steps

You should stop worrying about the side effects of Phentermine. Your utmost priority is to lose weight to avoid other serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cancer. The best thing to do is to understand the function and characteristics of the drug you are taking. In your case, learn about the composition, dosage, reactions, contraindications, and other important information about Phentermine. This will already help you avoid some of the side effects of the drug.

But if you are now taking Phentermine and currently experiencing some undesirable side effects, please follow these steps:

1. Take the right Phentermine dose. Over dosage is the usual problem why most obese individuals suffer negative effects from the drug. Always follow your doctor’s prescription since they know the most effective dose for you. Doctors will usually recommend the lowest dose and increase it once your body increased its tolerance. Never double dose or self-medicate.

2. Take the pill at the right time. Some Phentermine users complain about sleeplessness. This can be avoided by taking Phentermine at the right time. This weight loss drug is best taken early in the morning on an empty stomach. If you are taking it twice daily, your second dose should be taken 2-3 hours before bedtime. You should also ensure that your bedroom is conducive for sleeping.

3. Engage in a healthy lifestyle. Obesity is a serious medical condition. If you still follow your old lifestyle, you will not be cured. And worst, you may even experience some of the side effects of Phentermine because of your weak body and immune system. To avoid these problems, you have to engage in a healthy lifestyle. Adopt a healthy diet program and avoid foods that contributes to weight gain. Eat in moderation and choose fruits, vegetables, and good protein. Never forget to include exercise in your regimen. You can start with brisk walking or jogging. This must be done on a regular basis.

Your Safe Weight Loss Pill

Phentermine has been in the market for several decades already and it has been helping millions of obese people. The side effects, while a concern, must not hinder you to achieve a better and healthier life. Phentermine is the best weight loss drug that you can find today.

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