
Archive for April, 2016

Apr 30 2016

What’s Your Secret Pill for Weight Loss?

Published by under Weight Loss

phentermine-secret-weight-loss-pillYour obese friend may have already achieved her weight loss goal without following a stringent weight loss program. And if you are still wondering why you can’t achieve the same positive result, the answer could be the kind of weight loss pill that she is taking. There are some pills that are very effective in reducing weight but won’t cause serious side effects. And one of them is Phentermine. This pill is an appetite suppressant drug that is primarily prescribed for overweight and obese individuals. If you have a BMI of 25 and above, your health care provider can prescribe this medication for you.

Is Phentermine the Secret Pill of Most Obese People?

The most popular weight loss drug in the market today is Phentermine. It has been around for decades and used by countless people to treat obesity. In fact, it is the most recommended medication by health care professionals in the country.

If obese people are now enjoying a healthy and normal weight, does it mean that Phentermine is their secret pill? Let us find out by understanding the capabilities of the drug:

Short-term obesity treatment. The drug is intended for short-term obesity treatment, usually up to 3 months. During this period, the patient or user is expected to shed 20-40 lbs. of excess weight. Some people even experience higher amount of lost weight during the treatment. Other similar medications can’t achieve this kind of result. If your friend was able to achieve normal weight within this time frame, she’s definitely into a Phentermine medication.

No fad diets. Many people still believe that they can only achieve instant weight loss if they follow fad diets. While others experience positive results, most people still gained back their weight after completing the diet program. But with Phentermine, you won’t have to follow fad diets. By just eating healthy foods and taking the right dosage, you can already experience dramatic weight reduction. The great thing about Phentermine is that you don’t have to starve yourself just to get fit.

Safe and effective. The concern of most obese people is the safety of the pill that they are taking. They choose Phentermine because of the effectiveness of the drug. It is also considered as one the safest anti-obesity medications in the market. When properly administered, users will not experience any adverse reaction from the drug. Though others may experience some mild effects such as dry mouth and sleeplessness. But these effects can be countered with the help of your doctor.

Affordable weight loss medication. Most people choose Phentermine because it is an affordable weight loss medication. You can have a month supply of Phentermine without hurting your pocket. And since the pill is only recommended for short-term use, you don’t have to worry about the overall cost of treatment.

Time to Take the Most Popular Weight Loss Pill

If you’re still taking an ineffective weight loss pill, then it’s time to switch to a more effective one. Phentermine is not popular because of marketing advertisements. It is the choice of many doctors and obese individuals because of its efficacy. Once you include it in your weight loss regimen, you can expect outstanding results that you did not experience from other anti-obesity pills.

If somebody will ask you about how you attained your perfect weight, you can enthusiastically say that Phentermine is your secret pill.

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Apr 27 2016

How to Avoid Phentermine Side Effects in 3 Easy Steps

Published by under Phentermine

how-to-avoid-phentermine-side-effectsMany obese people are still afraid of the possible side effects of Phentermine. Information from medical journals and publications would show that this anti-obesity drug can cause mild to severe side effects. Some of the serious reactions affects the cardiovascular and nervous system. There are also some info that list impotency and cancer as possible results of taking the drug. These may sound scary, isn’t it? But why is it still allowed to be sold in the market?

We have to understand that Phentermine is a prescription drug. Just like with any scheduled drug, pharmaceutical companies are obliged to publish all clinical information about the drug. During clinical trials and studies, there were some noted side effects caused by Phentermine. However, most of them are mild in nature. The only serious side effect that was associated with Phentermine is valvular heart disease, which was caused by the potent combination with another drug, Fenfluramine. This combo drug was already pulled out from the market decades ago.

Actually, Phentermine is one of the safest drug for weight loss. Since it is a prescription drug, you may suffer or experience some undesirable effects. This drug is no different from your other medication or OTC drugs like pain relievers and cough medicines. They also have a long list of possible side effects but we still take them.

Avoid the Side Effects in 3 Easy Steps

You should stop worrying about the side effects of Phentermine. Your utmost priority is to lose weight to avoid other serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cancer. The best thing to do is to understand the function and characteristics of the drug you are taking. In your case, learn about the composition, dosage, reactions, contraindications, and other important information about Phentermine. This will already help you avoid some of the side effects of the drug.

But if you are now taking Phentermine and currently experiencing some undesirable side effects, please follow these steps:

1. Take the right Phentermine dose. Over dosage is the usual problem why most obese individuals suffer negative effects from the drug. Always follow your doctor’s prescription since they know the most effective dose for you. Doctors will usually recommend the lowest dose and increase it once your body increased its tolerance. Never double dose or self-medicate.

2. Take the pill at the right time. Some Phentermine users complain about sleeplessness. This can be avoided by taking Phentermine at the right time. This weight loss drug is best taken early in the morning on an empty stomach. If you are taking it twice daily, your second dose should be taken 2-3 hours before bedtime. You should also ensure that your bedroom is conducive for sleeping.

3. Engage in a healthy lifestyle. Obesity is a serious medical condition. If you still follow your old lifestyle, you will not be cured. And worst, you may even experience some of the side effects of Phentermine because of your weak body and immune system. To avoid these problems, you have to engage in a healthy lifestyle. Adopt a healthy diet program and avoid foods that contributes to weight gain. Eat in moderation and choose fruits, vegetables, and good protein. Never forget to include exercise in your regimen. You can start with brisk walking or jogging. This must be done on a regular basis.

Your Safe Weight Loss Pill

Phentermine has been in the market for several decades already and it has been helping millions of obese people. The side effects, while a concern, must not hinder you to achieve a better and healthier life. Phentermine is the best weight loss drug that you can find today.

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Apr 18 2016

Fighting Global Obesity Starts with You

Published by under Obesity

global-obesity-rate-epidemicWe all know that obesity is big problem of many developed countries. As a result, they spend huge amount of their yearly budget for health care services. Obesity will usually result in serious health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer. These conditions lead to frequent hospitalizations and costly medical treatment.

Just recently, Lancet published a comprehensive study about obesity rates around the world. The researchers have alarming findings and warned people and governments to look at this matter carefully. A fact that we should be concerned about is our country’s contribution to global obesity rate. We are one of the six high-income countries in the world with alarming obesity rates. If not all stakeholders, including you, will not do their share to curb this obesity epidemic, then we will have a very huge problem come 2025. According to lead researcher Professor Majid Ezzati of Imperial College London, severe obesity is too extensive to be tackled with medications. The professor also said that obesity can lead to serious health consequences.

Here are some of the highlights of their research work:

• in the next 10 years, the global obesity rate is expected to reach 20 percent
• there will be more women who will be severely obese by 2025
• an estimated 55 million adults will become morbidly obese
• 21% of women and 18% of men will become obese in 2025

Help Fight the Obesity Epidemic

The fight against obesity is not only the responsibility of the government. We should also take active part in eradicating obesity. You can start by having a healthy lifestyle. It is still best if you are not part of the obese population. This medical condition is usually caused by poor food choices like opting for fast food and eating foods with high sugar and fat content.

Overeating is also a common problem of most people today. Without controlling their appetite, they can become overweight and eventually become obese. While there are supplements that can control appetite like Phentermine, the willingness of the individual to adopt healthy living is very important. In addition, adding exercise in your daily regimen will also keep obesity at bay.

The Role of Weight Loss Supplements

If you are having difficulty in maintaining your weight or you are already considered as obese, you can try a weight loss supplement. There are different types of weight loss products in the market today, so you just have to be very careful when choosing one. You can choose from fat burners, appetite suppressants, or herbal supplements, depending on your preferences.

But if you want a supplement that is proven effective in treating obesity, opt for Phentermine. This appetite suppressant has been the choice of many health care professionals and obese people because of its effectiveness. As a short-term medication for obesity, you can already expect positive results in the first few weeks of treatment.

Take a Proactive Stance

Obesity is a preventable medical condition. If you will adopt a proactive stance, you will be able to avoid this condition. For example, you have to monitor your weight, choose the food that you eat, and select the kinds of activities that you engage in. If this is the mindset of every individual, obesity will not become an epidemic today.

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Apr 11 2016

3 Common Misconceptions About Phentermine

Published by under Phentermine

misconceptions-about-phentermine-weight-lossFor decades, Phentermine has been the choice of countless overweight and obese people for its effectiveness. It effectively suppresses the appetite of an individual, which then result in lower food consumption. Too much food intake is one of the main causes of obesity and controlling appetite is one of the easiest way to address this problem. Aside from being an effective appetite suppressant, the drug can also boost metabolism and enhances the fat burning capabilities of the body.

There are other great benefits that you’ll get when you take Phentermine as a weight loss drug. However, there are still some misconceptions about the drug that we want to correct.

3 Common Phentermine Misconceptions

The success of your weight loss treatment is always dependent on several factors. And one of them is the type of drug that you are taking. It can provide excellent results or put your life at risk because of the serious side effects. Don’t be easily swayed by marketing ads that promise instant weight loss since most of them do not guarantee positive and long-term results.

Phentermine is not exempted from these issues. Most of the negative reviews for the drug is mainly caused by misinformed people. They probably got the wrong information or expect too much from the drug. Let us take a look at some of the common misconceptions about Phentermine. Here are the top 3 on our list:

• Guaranteed instant weight loss. Of course, every obese individual wants to take the most effective weight loss drug. Phentermine is one of the best options for obese people. However, there are still a lot of people who believe that Phentermine will guarantee instant weight loss. This is a misconception. Users will have different reactions to the drug so the amount of weight loss varies. Some obese people may experience better weight loss results while others may only shed some pounds after a few weeks of treatment.

• Trigger serious complications. Just like with any other prescription drug, Phentermine users may experience side effects. These may range from mild to moderate side effects, which can be easily managed with the help of a health care professional. You can even prevent the mild symptoms by just exercising, adjusting the dosage, or taking enough water. There are also proven tips to avoid side effects. But if you are one of those who are still afraid to take the drug, you might be getting the wrong information about its possible serious complications. Phentermine is not recommended for people with serious health conditions or taking medications that are contraindicated with the former. If you neglect these precautions, there is a great possibility that you will experience serious complications. But why let these things happen if you can avoid these problems. Health experts agree that Phentermine is one of the safest weight loss drug available in the market today. It will not trigger serious complications if used as prescribed.

• A fix-all weight loss drug. Phentermine is not a fix-all weight loss drug. In fact, proper dieting and regular exercise is highly recommended if you will take this drug. Do not use this appetite suppressant drug if you are not ready to embrace a healthy lifestyle. Taking Phentermine without following a comprehensive weight loss plan will only provide temporary results.

Aim for Realistic Weight Loss Results

Obesity must be treated as soon as possible. However, you must still follow safe and effective weight loss treatment. And with the right information, you can set realistic weight loss goals and avoid all the negative side effects associated with the drug.

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