
Nov 30 2015

Weight Loss Helps Protect Knee Cartilage, New Study Revealed

Published by at 6:37 pm under Weight Loss

weight-loss-osteoarthritis-studyA recent study presented at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meeting in Chicago, IL revealed that significant weight loss can help slow down knee cartilage degeneration. Osteoarthritis, which is common to older people aging 50 years old and up, is a degenerative joint disease. People with this condition suffer from progressive loss of the cartilage in the joint, particularly in the knee. When the disease progresses and the cartilage is totally damaged, surgical treatment may be needed.

Another health condition that may contribute to the worsening of the disease is obesity. The excess weight can put more stress on joints like the knees and hips. It also increases inflammation-promoting proteins that is produced by fat tissue.

What the Experts Found Out?

According to lead researcher, Dr. Alexandra Gersing of the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at the University of California-San Francisco (UCSF), the loss of cartilage in osteoarthritis is irreversible. However, there are still hope for those people suffering from this health condition. Dr. Gersing said that losing weight can help slow down the progression of the disease. The study aimed at finding the link between the amount of weight loss to the rate of knee cartilage degeneration. A total of 506 obese and overweight patients participated in the nationwide study. They are either at risk of the disease or had mild to moderate osteoarthritis.

The group’s finding showed that those obese people who lose more than 10 percent weight were able to slow down the progress of the disease. Meanwhile, those who did not lose any significant weight or those who lose weight but below the 10 percent mark, the degeneration of the knee cartilage continues.

How Can You Lose 10% of Your Body Weight?

Dr. Gersing said that significant weight loss will help preserve the knee joint and even reduce the risk of developing osteoarthritis. However, achieving more than the 10 percent weight loss is impossible for some obese and overweight people. They may have tried taking supplements or perform exercises to lose weight but the result is minimal weight reduction.

If you want to prevent the worsening of your condition, you have to follow proven methods and take the right medications. You also need a health care professional to guide you in the weight loss process. Here are some of our recommendation:

• Engage in regular exercise
• Adopt a healthy diet plan
• Change your lifestyle
• Take medication for obesity such as Phentermine

The last option is a prescription medication so you must first secure prescription from your doctor or health care practitioner. Phentermine is known for its efficacy and ability to promote faster weight loss. However, the drug is only available for those who have prescriptions so you must really consult a doctor. If you combine this appetite suppressant with other effective methods such as healthy dieting and exercise, you can surely lose weight beyond the 10% weight loss mark. Obesity should be managed early to avoid aggravating other diseases such as osteoarthritis.

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