
Mar 17 2015

Which Type of Appetite Suppressant Really Works?

Published by at 6:11 pm under Weight Loss

types-of-appetite-suppressantsChoosing between prescription appetite suppressants and natural alternatives can be difficult if you don’t have enough information about their positive and negative effects. Don’t be like those who are easily tempted to try new products or medications because of the product’s promised benefits. This will not only put your life at risk but also results in costly medical expenses because of side effects or complications.

For example, taking a well-known prescription drug will result in complications if you have other serious health conditions such as heart problems and diabetes. This scenario is also possible when you take the natural alternative.

Great Natural Appetite Suppressants

Actually, natural appetite suppressants are readily available in the kitchen, supermarket, or local health stores. From fruits and vegetables to fish and herbs, you can surely get one that can effectively control your appetite.

Some of the best natural appetite suppressants include:

• Ginger root
• Almond
• Avocado
• Cayenne pepper
• Apples
• Eggs
• Sweet potatoes
• Tofu
• Wasabi
• Oatmeal
• Wasabi
• Dark chocolate
• Green tea
• Salmon
• Vegetable juices
• Green leafy vegetables
• Flax seeds
• Whey protein
• Cinnamon
• Water

Most Trusted Prescription Appetite Suppressant

Meanwhile, the most prescribed appetite suppressant is Phentermine. It has been available in the market since 1950’s, making it the choice of most obese people for their weight management program. This weight loss drug is considered as one of the safest medications for obesity. Users will only experience transient side effects which can be effectively managed with the help of a doctor.

The efficacy of Phentermine is proven by countless users not only in the country but also abroad. Patients who took the medication as prescribed reported up to 30 lbs of lost weight in just a few weeks. The appetite suppressing capability of Phentermine will help prevent overeating and minimize hunger pangs.

How to Get the Best Results

The best weight loss results can only be achieved if you’re taking the right type of appetite suppressant. You will also have a safer and more enjoyable weight loss journey if you consider these tips:

Get the right information. Getting the right information about your chosen appetite suppressant will help you avoid taking harmful weight loss products. Magazines, journals, and other types of publications are good sources of information since most of the published articles were written by health experts.

Users review. There are a lot of online sites that offer user reviews. Visit these sites to evaluate the effectiveness of your chosen appetite suppressant product. Whether you’re looking for natural appetite suppressants testimonials or you want more user experience about the prescription ones, you can surely get enough information from review sites to help you in your decision.

Look for the perfect match. While both the prescription medication and the natural alternative can provide your needed weight loss, there are some products that should not be taken in combination. There are already a lot of cases where herbal ingredients were combined with prescription drugs, but the results were not good. In fact, the FDA has already recalled several weight loss products in the market because they pose health risks to the consumers. If you plan to combine prescription drugs with over-the-counter supplements, make sure that they don’t have negative interactions. Some natural supplements may trigger abrupt weight loss when taken with a doctor-prescribed medication, so you should be very careful when choosing this option.

Ask your doctor. You must always think about your safety and health. Don’t rush your weight loss by taking any appetite suppressant product that is advertised on the media or recommended by a friend. It is still best to consult a health care professional, since he or she can provide the right advice and the right medication for your condition.

Your Perfect Choice for Weight Loss

Appetite suppressants, undoubtedly, are the safest and most effective weight loss medications. However, obese patients like you should be very careful when taking these types of medicines. You can only get your desired results if you’re taking appetite suppressants that are proven safe and effective like Phentermine and the natural alternatives mentioned above.

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