Oct 27 2014
Avoid the Complications of Obesity through Phentermine Treatment
Recent statistics revealed that more than two-thirds (68.8%) of the adult population in the country are now considered overweight or obese. The available data from CDC also show that there are at least 78 million (35.7%) of U.S. adults who are classified as obese.
The statistics on extremely or morbidly obese is also alarming. Government data revealed that 6.3% of the adult population falls under this category. Health experts are worried about these statistics since the prevalence of obesity in the country can lead to increased medical costs and mortality rate. In 2008, the annual medical costs of obesity have reached $147 billion and the costs for obese people averages $1,429, which is higher than those with normal weight. These figures are expected to increase because of the kind of lifestyle of most people.
Complications of Obesity
The increasing health related cost is not surprising since obese people are likely to develop a number of potentially serious health problems. Some of the complications of obesity can even lead to death.
If you are overweight, obese, or morbidly obese, you will be more prone to these health conditions:
- Cardiovascular diseases. Too much weight can affect the normal functioning of the heart and your cardiovascular system. The most common cardiovascular problems that you’ll get include high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, and stroke.
- Type-2 diabetes. Obese people have a higher risk of getting type-2 diabetes. Once you get this health condition, you’ll have to manage or control it for the rest of your life.
- Breathing disorders. Most obese suffer from sleep apnea, which is a serious sleep disorder. In such a case, you can take the help of a CPAP machine with a humidifier that can blow moist air artificially through a mask while you sleep at night. This can prevent the air canal from collapsing. This in turn can give you peaceful sleep without many disturbances.
- Back Pain. Back pain, particularly in the lower back, is commonly caused by being overweight. According to some medical experts, as a person becomes heavier, the pelvis pulls forward and the lower back becomes strained, resulting in pain, stiffness, and soreness in the back. Furthermore, a weighted midsection can tilt the spine and cause an uneven distribution of weight, which can cause major problems.
- Liver disease. Because of fat build up, you are more prone to liver diseases such as nonalcoholic fatty liver. If not addressed immediately, this can lead to inflammation and liver scarring.
- Cancer. Your chance of getting cancer is also increased if you are overweight or obese. Some of the documented cases of obesity-related cancer include uterus, breast, colon, rectum, gallbladder, cervix, pancreas, esophagus, endometrium, prostrate, liver, and kidney.
Treating Obesity with Phentermine
To avoid these serious health conditions, you must seek immediate treatment by consulting a health care professional. But you must be careful in choosing the kind or method of obesity treatment that is presented to you. There are some available medications, products, or techniques that may not work for you or may even worsen your health condition.
One of your options is to take weight loss pills like Phentermine. Ask your health care provider about this anti-obesity drug just to make sure that it is the most suited treatment for you.
Phentermine is one of the safest weight loss drugs that you can find in the market today. In fact, there are already countless obese patients who can attest to its efficacy. Since it is prescribed as a short term treatment for obesity, you can expect a dramatic weight loss in a short period of time and certainly avoid the serious health conditions caused by being overweight or obese.