
Sep 19 2014

What is the Average Weight Loss of Phentermine Users

Published by at 1:39 pm under Phentermine

average-weight-loss-phentermine-usersObesity is a serious medical condition that should be addressed immediately to avoid complications and other health risks. It is common for obese people to have cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure. The risk of acquiring diabetes and other weight-related diseases is also common. These are the reasons why most obese or overweight people want to shed those excess fats quickly and for good.

And the good thing is that there are a lot of available weight loss medications that can guarantee fast and effective weight loss. One of them is Phentermine, an appetite suppressant drug commonly prescribe to obese patients and overweight individuals.

Effectiveness of Phentermine as a Weight Loss Drug?

If you are an obese person, one question that you may ask is about the effectiveness of Phentermine as a weight loss drug. Can it provide the kind of weight loss results that I expect from a weight loss medication? Is it a safer option as compared to similar weight loss drugs offering the same results?

These are valid questions that can be readily answered by your health care provider. But if you will be asking us, Phentermine is not only an effective weight loss drug but also help users live a happier and healthier life with the positive results it provides. In fact, we have heard a lot of success stories about the efficacy of this anti-obesity drug. You can take a look at Susan’s weight loss story here or read Jeff’s weight loss experience. They are all happy with the amount of weight they’ve lost when they took Phentermine.

The Average Weight Loss of Phentermine Users

When it comes to dramatic and long term weight loss, no other medication can come close to Phentermine. A lot of Phentermine users can attest to the quick weight loss results that the medicine offers. It is also considered as one of the safest prescription medication because of its tolerable side effects. Most of the side effects of the drug can be managed effectively if the patient or user follows his or her doctor’s advice.

Based on some studies, Phentermine can offer an average of 5 lbs lost weight per month. But in other studies, users lost up to 10 pounds of weight in the same period. The variation in the results depends on several factors, such as the health conditions of the respondents and the activities they are engaged in.

However, it is clear that the drug can get rid of excess weight in just a short period of time. Similar drugs can only offer the same results if they are taken long term, which may result to undesirable and even serious side effects.

Actual Experience of Phentermine Users

We have compiled some user’s reviews and testimonials to give you more figures on the average weight loss of Phentermine users. Here are some of them:

Length of Use

Lost weight


User 1 2 months 32 lbs 1,800 calorie diet; no sugar, soda, or fast food
User 2 1 month 11 lbs Reduced sugar intake; exercising 3-4 times a week
User 3 1 week 10 lbs 2000 calories per day; combination of cardio and strength exercises

These are just some examples of the wonderful benefits of Phentermine. The average weight loss results varies but the drug can help obese people achieve their normal and desired weight in just a short period of time without having to deal with serious side effects.



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