Frequently Asked Questions
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1. Will Phentermine Work for Me?
Phentermine is prescribed to those who are overweight and also have the risk of obesity-associated issues such as hypertension and diabetes. The drug works as an appetite suppressant and should be taken in combination with a diet and exercise plan and as a standalone miracle pill.
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Phentermine 37.5 mg is the most-often prescribed drug dosage; it will work if you take it according to your doctor’s prescription once a day before breakfast or a few hours after.
However, you should not take this drug if you are on some other medication or if you are pregnant or are breastfeeding. Don’t take it if you have any allergies or a history of cardiac problems or glaucoma. The drug works best if taken for about four-six weeks, as stipulated by your doctor. Also, phentermine is for you if your BMI is greater than 29, you are over 18 years of age, with a normal blood pressure, and no history of alcohol or drug abuse.

2. Which Phentermine Capsule should I Take the Yellow or Blue?
Phentermine is a generic weight loss medication and several brand names of the same are available in the market. The capsules that contain 15 mg of phentermine hydrochloride (HCL) are grey-yellow combination, opaque and have powder.
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The 30 mg capsules of phentermine HCL have a white/transparent-blue combination with pellets inside. Phentermine HCL in 37.5 mg strength comes in blue and white specks in an oval or elliptical shape. The same drug in 37.5 mg strength in capsule shape is white in color. The drug also comes in a fully yellow color in capsule shape with 30 mg strength.
The capsules are taken once every day, in the morning while the tablets are taken in half. Your doctor may advise you to take half the tablet two times every day to suppress your appetite. You should take either the tablet or capsule depending on your doctor’s recommendation. The fully yellow version of capsule (Ionamin) is a slow release version and is used to extend the effect of phentermine which is mixed with a resin. The ingredients in both the yellow and blue are the same, and it is only the dosage and form which makes a difference.

3. Where can I Buy Phentermine?
You should bear in mind that buying phentermine without a proper prescription from your doctor is not legal. The internet is full of online stores that claim to sell phentermine without a prescription, but it helps to exercise caution.
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The best route to take is to seek your doctor’s advice on the drug usage; take the prescription and go to the nearest pharmacy so you can buy it. In all likelihood, your doctor will know where you can procure the drug; if it is online, choose a responsible and legitimate online store for buying the medication. Buying online gives you the advantage of maintaining privacy in case you don’t want anyone to know about your weight-loss treatment.
Phentermine is a controlled pill and it is best that you don’t get into any kind of trouble when you are buying it. However, there are over-the-counter alternatives you could look at, if you don’t have a prescription. Even when you do so, you should bear in mind that some alternatives are not FDA-approved and you are using them at your own risk.

4. When will I See the Results while Taking Phentermine?
The results largely depend on how meticulously you follow your physician’s instructions and whether you are taking the pill in association with a good exercise and diet program. Also, you should not increase dosage on your own or extend the duration of the dosage.
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The rate of metabolism maintained during the weight loss program should be continued beyond the duration of the drug usage. This basically means maintaining a good exercise and diet schedule long after you have stopped taking the pill.
Usually, results of the drug can be noticed within the first couple of weeks. How much weight you could lose differs from person to person; there are many variables like diet, dosage, your gender and genetic factors. Studies have shown that weight loss is highest in the early months and tapers off. You can expect to lose anywhere between 3 and 6 lbs per month if you are a woman. For men, it could be 5 to 8 lbs per month, if you are also following a low-calorie diet.

5. Is the Fastin Treatment the same as Phentermine?
If you have been looking for information on weight-loss medication, you will now be aware of names like phentermine or Fastin. The former is a prescription weight-loss drug while the latter is available over the counter. Both work towards suppressing a person’s hunger.
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While phentermine is the generic drug for brands such as Ionamin or Adipex, Fastin is a brand drug which does not have any generic counterpart.
Fastin was once just another trade name of phentermine and was a prescription drug for weight loss. It was later withdrawn from the market owing to complaints related to side-effects. The new Fastin has the same name, but the formula has been tweaked and the drug is now just a diet supplement. The new Fastin has no phentermine and can be bought without any prescription. The Fastin currently in circulation has phenylethylamine which enhances your mood.

6. Is Phentermine Safe to Use?
Like any other medication, phentermine too could cause side-effects, but not in all cases. Also, if you take the pill according to your doctor’s prescription, the risks of side-effects are fewer and the benefits are more.
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The side-effects come down after a few days of taking phentermine in most people, because they get used to it. However, if you have any trouble breathing, experience pain in the chest, have fainting spells or swelling of the limbs, you should contact a doctor immediately.
Phentermine pills are FDA-approved so they are effective and safe, provided you use them in the short-term and in association with a healthy diet and exercise plan. You should not take the drug in association with other drugs which are MAO inhibitors or blood thinners. Also, don’t take it when you are nursing or in your pregnancy. Any other health problems in the past should be brought to the notice of your doctor.

7. If Im Pregnant can I Take Phentermine?
No, phentermine cannot be used if you are pregnant, planning to get pregnant or are breastfeeding your baby. The condition of the baby depends on what the mother takes during pregnancy and weight loss is not recommended during pregnancy.
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Also, there could be side-effects owing to phentermine usage which may harm your pregnancy. You could suffer from palpitations, risk of high BP or allergies during your pregnancy.
Because the composition of phentermine is similar to drugs that have been shown to cause birth defects in a newborn baby or miscarriages, it is not advisable to take phentermine. Also, if you are planning a pregnancy or if you got pregnant while using phentermine, talk to your doctor immediately. The drug should not be used in any trimester because the risks outweigh any benefits there could be from using phentermine. Studies have shown positive proof of abnormalities to the foetus upon consumption of phentermine.

8. How Long does Phentermine Stay in your System?
For an individual with an average rate of metabolism, phentermine stays in your body for anywhere between three and five days. If a patient who is on treatment for weight loss undergoes testing for drugs, the results will show positive for the presence of amphetamines.
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However, the drug can have different results on different people; caffeine consumption lowers phentermine in your blood and weakens the impact of the drug.
Metabolism and a person’s build also changes the duration of phentermine’s presence in the body. Phentermine stays for a lesser time in the body if the person has a good rate of metabolism and is relatively thinner. One more factor that decides how long phentermine stays in your system is the strength and form, whether it is 15 or 37.5 mg, a capsule or a tablet form. The frequency of the drug usage is another factor that plays a role in phentermine’s presence in the body.

9. Does Phentermine have Ephedra in it?
No, phentermine does not contain ephedra; both phentermine and ephedra are used as weight-loss drugs, but the similarities stop there. Phentermine has gelatine, magnesium-stearate, titanium oxide and other oxides, but the principal constituent is phentermine hydrochloride.
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Ephedra, on the other hand, is an ephedra sinica alkaloid and has been banned by the FDA. However, it is used in drugs to cure allergies and colds. Phentermine is a weight-loss drug that can be used over the short term, and reduces appetite, apart from boosting metabolism.
Ephedra is actually a shrub that is largely found in Asia, especially China. It has been used a lot in diet supplements in the form of tablets, capsules and teas. Phentermine is definitely more potent than ephedra, though both are stimulants which boost adrenalin in the body. When adrenalin is increased and you are in an excitable (fight or flight) state, attention and energy are diverted from hunger.

10. Can you Take Phentermine for a Lifetime?
Phentermine should always be taken under medical supervision, and the length of treatment should be decided by your doctor. Phentermine is a short-term medication, and is usually recommended for use anywhere between three and six weeks, or up to 12 weeks safely.
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The longer you use Phentermine, the chances of it becoming addictive are greater. Also the drug doesn’t have as much as an impact after about 12 weeks as it does during the initial few weeks. If used beyond 12 weeks, the drug can cause serious withdrawal symptoms in an individual. To avoid withdrawal, your doctor will slowly taper off the medication.
The risk of suffering from side-effects of phentermine increases with an extended treatment period. The side-effects include anxiety, depression, restlessness, palpitations, and a high BP among others. Your doctor will recommend lifestyle changes so you can stick to them beyond the one or two months of medication.

11. Can my Child Take Phentermine?
If your child is below 16 years of age, doctors don’t prescribe phentermine. The limit is sometimes 18, and in some cases 14 or 12, but in general, growing children are not prescribed phentermine.
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The reason the drug is not prescribed is because studies about the impact of hunger suppressant drugs on children have not been conducted so far.
Moreover, obese children should be given a helping hand to lose weight through a good diet and exercise program that will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives. It is important that parents teach children not to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Eating junk food and spending hours without physical activity can lead to child obesity. If a child is obese in spite of good exercise and diet schedules, there could be a deeper problem that requires treatment other than medications such as phentermine.

12. Can I Buy Phentermine without a Prescription?
Phentermine is a prescription drug and cannot be bought like any other over-the-counter medication; buying so is illegal. It is an FDA-approved controlled drug; phentermine can be habit-forming drug and your doctor will tell you how to slowly stop taking it as you reach the point where dosage duration ends.
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Abruptly stopping the drug could cause withdrawal symptoms, especially if you have been taking it for a long time.
To benefit most, you should take the drug just the way your doctor has prescribed it. This is a short-term medication and you could be prescribed the drug for anywhere between three and eight weeks depending on the dosage and your situation. The drug could also cause side-effects, ranging from minor to severe, so it is best you talk to your doctor about them. Buying without prescription is not possible, but if you do manage to, then there is the fear of serious side-effects such as a spike in BP, heart palpitations or dizziness and tremors.

13. Can Anybody Take Phentermine?
There are certain conditions under which you can take phentermine. Above all, you should be obese or overweight (BMI over 29) and the doctor thinks you have the risk of suffering from obesity-related problems. You cannot get phentermine over the counter, so you would need a doctor’s prescription.
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Your doctor will find out if you are pregnant, planning a pregnancy, are a nursing mother, or if you have any cardiac problems, glaucoma, high BP or diabetes. In any of these scenarios, you will not be allowed to take phentermine.
You also cannot take phentermine if you are below 18 (some doctors say 16, others 14 or 12) or above 60-65 years of age. If you have taken any MAO inhibitor in the last fortnight, your doctor will not allow you to take the drug. You cannot take phentermine in combination with any other diet drugs, so you should inform the doctor of any medications you might be taking. Also, phentermine cannot be shared with another person, and should not be stopped suddenly. If you have a history of allergies, drug abuse or alcoholism, you cannot take phentermine.

14. Are there Alternatives to Taking Phentermine?
If you are looking at alternatives to phentermine, there are several over-the-counter ones available in the market, but be careful to read the instructions carefully or consult your physician. Many of them are not approved by the FDA technically, so the side-effects may not be known.
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On the other hand, some of the alternatives may not have too many side effects because they are not that powerful in the first place.
Natural diet supplements or alternatives can be used for a longer duration than phentermine. Some of the popular alternatives are Phentramin-D, Phentramine, and Fedramine. Both Phentramin-D and Phentramine are non-prescription medications which are not FDA approved. Phentramin-D is not herb-based, while Phentramine is said to have a herbal ingredient. Fedramine is also a herbal medication and has the effects of Ephedra and Phentermine. However, it is best you seek your doctor’s advice on which of them is safest. It should be borne in mind that no drug is a miracle pill and you need a combination of exercise and diet.